


Flemish Government – Department of Chancellery and Foreign Affairs. Methodologische onderbouwing en conceptuele uitwerking van het gebruik van doelregelgeving en open normen met behulp van experimentwetgeving en regelluwe zones binnen het omgevingsrecht van de Vlaamse overheid. [Methodological underpinning and conceptual elaboration of the use of target regulations and open standards using experimental legislation and restricted zones within the environmental law of the Flemish government] (2021)

Flemish ministry of Well-Being Public Health and Family. Onderzoek naar de financiĆ«le geletterdheidscompetenties van mensen in armoede [Research into the financial literacy competencies of people in poverty] (2019 – 2020)

European Comission – Strategic Partnerships for higher education. Key Action 2 (KA2 – project) – EUFin: Innovative integrated tools for financial literacy education across Europe (2018 – 2021)

Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) Wikifin leerstoel financiƫle geletterdheid [Wikifin chair on financial literacy] (2016-2020).

Advisory service financial literacy/financial education

Service as an expert (OECD, European Commission, Wikifin/FSMA, Yongo/AG Insurance, McKinsey, MintLab/InvestSuite, etc.)

Scientific Committee for the Belgian Center for Financial Education (Wikifin Lab) (2017 – 2018)